Darjeeling Earl Grey

Black tea FTGFOP1, organic

We've combined our Darjeeling black tea with natural organic bergamot oil to create a taste sensation.
Tea is a natural product - variances in weather will make each year distinct and a little different from each other. (organic inspection agency DE-ÖKO-005).

15,00 €
(Baseprice: 60,00 €/kg)

Available from February 28th 2025 (+shipping 5 to 10 days)

Price incl. 7% VAT plus Shipping


Bring 500ml fresh tap water to a boil and pour over the tea (approx. 6g). Let the tea steep for around 3 minutes. Pour through a tea strainer before serving.

Indian Agriculture

Further Information

1 tablespoon
1 tablespoon
min. 90°C
min. 90°C
500 ml
500 ml
3 minutes
3 minutes